sebokeng aerial view
Providing land surveying services,
digital aerial cameras and remote sensing software
sales and support to Southern Africa.


The GeoImaging Accelerator (GXL) is the latest evolution in image processing and analysis technology specifi cally designed to address industry needs for high levels of automation and production capacity. GXL combines the power and precision of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and distributed multi-threaded processors to deliver improved data handling with the accuracy and expedience of automated workfl ows. The result is a cost-effective image processing system that provides a signifi cant improvement in speed and effi ciency over traditional image-processing techniques.

The Power of Multi CPU/GPU Processing GXL is designed to take advantage of multi-core Central Processing Units (CPU) and Graphical Processing Units combined with advanced load-balance monitoring, so that all available computing resources are used when available. PCI has reengineered the software to not only make it possible to distribute the workload through parallel processing, but also to speed up the computations across your workfl ows.

Built-in Scalability The GXL system can be deployed on readily available hardware, making full use of processing speed available. Processing nodes can be confi gured and added to the GXL system as needed, allowing your system to expand, alongside your production requirements.

Incredible Results With GXL-Satellite, high quality output can be obtained in record time for a variety of satellite sensors. Production throughput will increase exponentially over conventional desktop orthorectifi cation and mosaicking speeds while maintaining pixel-perfect accuracy and stunning image quality.

Sensor GB/day KM²/day
RapidEye 840 1 400 000 km²/day at 6.5m
Ikonos 120 18 000 km²/hour at 1m
QuickBird 144 9 000 km²/day at 0.6m
WorldView-2 140 8 000 km²/day at 0.5m

GXL Satellite Capabilities
  • Automatic Rational Function Model Calculation
    High-accuracy, fully automated model calculation with or without additional ground control
  • High Speed Satellite Orthorectification
    Calculate your satellite orthos at full 1:1 sampling faster than ever before, thanks to advanced GPU processing
  • Job and process management
    GXL’s Job Processing System defi nes and automates job classes, user permissions, priorities, and node management.
  • Integrated workflow
    Due to the flexible GXL architecture, additional workflows can be easily added to complete your project.

Seeing is Believing
Our Benchmark Centre Program allows prospective clients to evaluate the GXL system and witness processing in real time. Let us show you the benefi ts of GXL in person (in our Toronto-based facility) or through a web meeting. You can choose among the completed GXL metrics, or send us a sample dataset for your evaluation.